1. Sci-fi and Science fiction.

Since you seem to be so keen on finding out what it is, I guess it won't be hurt to tell you.

  - 너가 그게 뭔지 매우 알고 싶어하는듯 하니.. 말해줘도 상관 없겠지.

I just take longer to do a presentation .. I tend to be a bit more thorough.

  - 발표준비 하는데 조금더 시간이 많이 걸려서.. 제가 조금더 철저해지는 편이에요.

Well, it's good that you're thorough, but don't get bogged down with details. You will lose sight of what you set out to do.

  - 꼼꼼한건 좋지만, 너무 세세한것에 갇히지는 말거라. 정말 말하고자 하는것에 대해 잃어버릴 수 있거든.

I always thought Sci-Fi stood for science fiction.

  - 전 Sci-fi는 science fiction의 줄임말이라고 생각했어요.

It's all a bit absurd if you ask me

  - 내생각엔 모두 조금 터무니없는 내용이지.

Planets being obliterated and spaceships larger than cities.

  - 행성이 말살되거나 도시보다 큰 우주선

Many acclaimed authors consider frankenstein the very first science fiction novel.
  - 많은 저명한 저자들이  frankenstein을 최초의 공상과학 소설로 여긴다.

Shelly's way of warning humankind what would happen to man if he overreached himself
  - 인류가 도를 넘어서는 행동을 했을 때 무슨일이 일어나는지에 대해 경고하는 Shelly의 방식

I could take a vote.. and if the majority opt for science fiction, then science fiction it is
  - 투표를 할것이고, 만약 대다수가 science fiction을 택한다면 그것이 될 것이다.

thorough: A thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten.
bogged down: to impede or be impeded physically or mentally
stand for: to represent or mean
obliterate: If something obliterates an object or place, it destroys it completely.
acclaimed: If someone or something is acclaimed, they are praised enthusiastically.
overreach: If you say that someone overreaches themselves, you mean that they fail at something because they are trying to do more
                 than they are able to.
opt: If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.

2. Zip's law

I'll spell that for you on the board
  -너를 위해 칠판에 철자를 써줄게.

It applies only to those collections of groups that occur extensively around the world.
  - 세계에 광범위하게 발생하는 집합군에만 적용 가능하다.

It was subtantiated by other scholar's experiments later.
  - 후에 다른 학자들의 실험에 의해 증명되었다.

substantiate: To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true.

3. Octopus

Deities such as Poseidon would soon supplant him as the dominant sea god of Greek mythology.
 - 그리스 신화에서는 포세이돈과 같은 신들이 곧 그를 대신해서 바다를 지배자가 된다.

Proteus had one distinctive trait that made him.
  - 프로테우스는 독특한 특징을 가지고 있었다.

This has led to the use of the term "protean" by modern biologists to describe organisms with similar abilities.
  - 이는 현대의 생물학자들에게 '변화무쌍한' 이라는 단어를 비슷한 능력을 가지는 생물체를 묘사할때 사용하도록 하였습니다.

One order of organisms that kind of epitomizes this trait is the octopus.
  - 이러한 특징을 전형적으로 보여주는 생물이 바로 문어 입니다.

The secret behind this remarkable color-shifting ability is the fact that all octopuses possess special cell called, chromatophores. These are pigment containing.
  - 이러한 색변화능력의 뒤에는 모든 문어들이 가지고 있는 색소체가 있다. 이들은 색소를 포함하고 있다.

When it comes to changing color, no other organism is as effective or as versatile as an octopus.
  - 색변화에 있어서는 문어만큼 효과적이고 다양한 생물이 없다.

Each chromatophore cell contains three malleable compartments.
  - 각 색소체들은 세가지 변하기 쉬운 부분을 가지고 있다.

They can radically transfor not only their shape, but their size as well.
  - 그들은 모양뿐만 아니라 크기까지도 확연하게 바꿀 수 있다.

This may be a bit of a review for some of you, but, well, bear with me.
  - 이건 몇몇에겐 이미 익숙한 사실이겠지만.. 참고 들어주세요.

It has cartilage.
  - 그것은 물렁뼈를 가지고 있습니다.
By distending small sections of its skin, and using color-shading to enhance the effect, the octopus can make the texture of its skin resemble almost any surface.
  - 피부 일부분을 팽창시키고 피부 명암을 이용해서 효과를 증폭시킴으로써, 문어는 거의 모든 표면과 비슷한 피부 질감을 만들어낼 수 있다.

Discharging ink cloud is more of a last resort.
  - 먹물을 뿜는것은 마지막 수단에 가깝다.

Not only does this distract the predator, but it also create propulsive force, allowing the octopus to quickly escape.
  - 이는 천적을 혼란시킬 뿐 아니라, 추진력을 만들어서 문어가 빠르게 도망칠 수 있게 해준다.

supplant: If a person or thing is supplanted, another person or thing takes their place.
trait: A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.
protean: If you describe someone or something as protean, you mean that they have the ability to continually change their nature,
              appearance, or   behaviour.
organisms: An organism is an animal or plant, especially one that is so small that you cannot see it without using a microscope.
order of:
epitomizes: If you say that something or someone epitomizes a particular thing, you mean that they are a perfect example of it.
versatile: If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills.
malleable: If you say that someone is malleable, you mean that they are easily influenced or controlled by other people.
compartment: A compartment is one of the separate spaces into which a railway carriage is divided.
radically: Radical changes and differences are very important and great in degree.
cartilage: Cartilage is a strong, flexible substance in your body, especially around your joints and in your nose.
distend: If a part of your body is distended, or if it distends, it becomes swollen and unnaturally large.
resort: If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving
           what you want.
propulsive: To propel something in a particular direction means to cause it to move in that direction.

4. Library

It appears that another patron.
  - 다른 고객이 나타났어요.

I was under the impression that the due date wasn't for another three weeks.
  - 반납 기일이 3주정도 남은거 같았는데요.

It's the least I could do.
  - 이정도는 배려해줘야 할거 같아요.

Make copies of the book excerpts he still needs
  - 그가 여전히 필요로 하는 책의 일부분을 카피한다.

She empathizes with his situation.
  - 그녀는 그가 처한 상황에 공감하고 있다.

patron: A customer is someone who buys goods or services, especially from a shop.
excerpts: An excerpt is a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piece.
empathsize: If you empathize with someone, you understand their situation, problems, and feelings, because you have been in a similar situation.

5. Market Segmentation

It's more cost-effective as well because it centralizes all your marketing activities on the subset of prospective customers that are most likely to purchase your product or service.
  - 그것은 또한 비용 효율적이기도 하다. 왜냐하면, 그것은 너의 모든 마케팅 활동을 너의 제품이나 서비스를 구매할 것 같은 잠재적인 고객의 일부에게 집중 할 수 있도록 해주기 때문이다.

It is a objective of market segmentation - obtaining and retaining a set of customers. 
  - 고객을 얻고 유지하는것이 market segmentation의 목적이다. 

Are you fresh out of college?
  - 대학을 졸업한지 얼마 안됐니?

Finally, your market segmentation has to be substantial
  - 마지막으로, 마켓 세그멘테이션은 충분히 커야 한다. 

prospective: You use prospective to describe someone who wants to be the thing mentioned or who is likely to be the thing mentioned.

retain: To retain something means to continue to have that thing.

substantial: Substantial means large in amount or degree.

6. Stained Glass

Maybe you picture those huge cathedrals with the exquisite stained glass windows in your minds.

  - 넌 아마 마음속에 거대한 성당의 정교한 스테인드 글라스를 상상하고 있을 것이다.

So the craftsmen back then learned to fabricate objects of transparent glass.

  - 그리하여, 그당시의 장인들은 투명한 유리로 물건을 만드는법을 배웠다.

They would fuse the color into the glass with fire.

  - 그들은 불을 이용해 유리에 색을 녹여냈다. 

The Cathedral of Chartres, which was built around 1200, had 186 windows that were just breathtaking

  - 1200년쯤에 지어진 대성당에는 185개의 숨을 멎게 할만한 굉장한 창들이 있었다. 

Opalescent glass is a kind of glass that looks milky, but with iridescent colors. 

  - 유백광유리는 유백색 이지만, 무지개빛이 나는 유리이다. 

What Tiffany did was to popularize this type of glass and then to conceive a new technique. 

  - 티파니가 한 것은, 그러한 타입의 유리를 대중화 시키고 새로운 기술을 창안한 것이죠. 

cathedral: A cathedral is a very large and important church which has a bishop in charge of it. 

exquisite: Something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasantespecially in a delicate way.

back then: 

fabricate: If someone fabricates informationthey invent it in order to deceive people.

fuse: A fusion of different qualitiesideasor things is something new that is created by joining them together.

breathtaking:  If you say that something is breathtakingyou are emphasizing that it is extremely beautiful or amazing.

iridescent:  Something that is iridescent has many bright colors that seem to keep changing.

conceive: If you cannot conceive of somethingyou cannot imagine it or believe it.

Posted by Cat.IanKang


'Cat.Storage > SubCat.Research' 카테고리의 다른 글

Likert Scale  (0) 2016.08.16
Two-alternative forced choice  (0) 2016.08.16
Nearest Neighbor Search  (0) 2016.02.16
ISO preference curves  (1) 2015.10.27
DCT versus DFT/KLT  (0) 2015.10.22
Posted by Cat.IanKang

1) Pleasure doing business with you - Thanks

 When you do something aweful to others, like still their money or still their wallet,  you can say pleasure doing business with you.

 When you are being sarcastic, you would say pleasure doing business with you.   

2) Wait up! = wait please

3)  not made of money

  This is way of saying you have no money. If your little kid asks you to buy some toy, instead saying you don't have money, you can say I'm not made of money.

4) to have a soft spot for something - to like something 

5) That came out wrong - I didn't mean that

  You don't think you said correctly, or maybe you offended someone you dind't want to, then you can say "Oh I'm sorry. That came out wrong"

6) Hands off the merchandise - Don't touch


7) to ring a bell - to trigger a memory


Posted by Cat.IanKang

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h> 

#include <fstream>

#include <stdio.h>

int main()



float container[4096]; //16*16*4*4

for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)


container[i * 4] = 0.1f;

container[i * 4 + 1] = 0.05f;

container[i * 4 + 2] = 0.025f;

container[i * 4 + 3] = 0.0125f;


std::fstream file;

file = std::fstream("file.bin", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)


file.write((char*)&container, 4096*sizeof(float));



std::fstream reader("file.bin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);

if (!reader)


return 0;


float containerR[4096];

reader.read((char*)&containerR, 4096 * sizeof(float));



//wstring version

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h> 

#include <fstream>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <Windows.h>

#include <vector>

int main()


const int patchNum = 1024;

const int arrSize = 4096;

float container[arrSize]; //16*16*4*4

float containerRR[arrSize]; //16*16*4*4

std::vector<float> containerR; //16*16*4*4


for (int i = 0; i < arrSize / 4; ++i)


container[i * 4] = 0.1f;

container[i * 4 + 1] = 0.05f;

container[i * 4 + 2] = 0.025f;

container[i * 4 + 3] = 0.0125f;



for (int allNum = 0; allNum < patchNum; ++allNum)


WCHAR fileDest[260];

wsprintfW(fileDest, L"C:\\TerrainData\\moon_32x32\\mass_%02d\\weights.bin", allNum);

std::ofstream outFile;

outFile = std::ofstream(fileDest, std::ios::binary);

outFile.write((char*)&container, arrSize * sizeof(float));



//WCHAR filename[260];

//wsprintfW(filename, L"C:\\TerrainData\\moon_32x32\\mass_00\\weight.bin");

//std::ifstream ampFile(filename, std::ios::binary);



////patch->ampSetTable.reserve(ampArrSize); //The number of weights. 

//ampFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);

//std::streampos fileSize = ampFile.tellg();

//ampFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);


//ampFile.read((char*)&containerR[0], fileSize);

//ampFile.read((char*)&containerRR, arrSize* sizeof(float));




Posted by Cat.IanKang

url: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/comprise-versus-compose

The Meaning of “Comprise”

It seems simple enough: “to comprise” means “to contain” (1), as in “The house comprises seven rooms.” In other words, this house has or contains seven rooms. When you use “comprise,” you’re talking about all the parts that make up something. Usually. More on that a little later.

The important thing to remember when you’re using the word “comprise” is that the item that is the whole shebang comes first in the sentence; second come the items that are its parts. For example, you might say, “A full pack comprises 52 cards.” The pack is the whole shebang, so it comes first in the sentence. It would be wrong to say, “Fifty-two cards comprise a full pack.” Likewise, America comprises 50 states, not fifty states comprise America. In this sentence, America is the whole shebang, so it comes first in the sentence. The whole comprises the parts.

The Meaning of “Compose”

The fly in the ointment as far as the word “comprise” goes is the similar-sounding word “compose,” which means “to make up,” as in “Many ethnic groups compose our nation.”

Notice in this sentence that the parts come before the whole. If you wanted to start the sentence with the words “our nation,” guess which verb you’d have to use instead? Our friend “comprise”: “Our nation comprises many ethnic groups.” So, the parts compose the whole, but the whole comprises the parts.

“Is Comprised Of” and “Is Composed Of”

Now let’s talk about the phrases “is comprised of” and “is composed of.” One of these is allowed, and one is not. The one you can say is “is composed of,” so you could say, “Our nation is composed of many ethnic groups.” On the other hand, most grammar sources I checked (2, 3, 4) agree that “is comprised of” is an incorrect phrase. Just as you can’t say, “The house includes of seven rooms,” you can’t say, “The house is comprised of seven rooms” (5). You have to say, “The house comprises seven rooms.”

How to Use “Comprise”

At first,  we said that “comprise” means “contain,” but in her book Woe Is I the respected grammar writer Patricia O'Connor muddies the issue when she lists “to include” as a definition (7). This suggests that there could be more parts to the whole, contradicting the idea that when you use “comprise” you’re talking about all the parts.

If we use this definition, does it mean we could say, “The house comprises at least five rooms”? It would seem to make sense if we substitute the word “include” in this sentence. “The house includes at least five rooms.” Perhaps Fowler’s, another trusted resource, can help us. It states “the whole comprises all the parts.” The word “all” there seems pretty definitive.

On the other hand, the American Heritage Dictionary reveals that “comprise” means “to consist of,” to be composed of,” “to include,” and “to contain” (8). It goes on to clarify matters in its definition of “include”: “Comprise usually implies that all of the components are stated” (9). Notice that it said “usually.” It seems that to use “comprise” you must be talking about all the parts that make up something, but perhaps occasionally you can use it if more parts might be lurking somewhere.

Posted by Cat.IanKang

* Scripts are made by my own hearing. They might include many mishearing & typo. I'm asking for understanding about my poor English. Thank you.

[00~20 sec]

We are finally in an election year. So for main story tonight, let's look out voting. The cornerstone of an American democracy. The unshakable principle. The everyone should have an equal vote even idiots. Even this guy.


Now I know it's painful but he's vote should count as much as yours. It should count as much as the president's. That is what America is all about. Now in recent year, some states have made voting easier for instance three states now hold their elections almost entire by mail, and thrity states plus D.C. now let you resister to vote online.

[43~72 sec]

Sadly, others have gone in the opposite direct because depending on who you are and where you live you may face new obstacles to voting this November thanks to among other thing the Supreme Court decision to weaken Voting Right Acts. For instance, since 2011 seven state have curtailed early voting and thriteen have added requirement to voters show some kind of ID at the polls, and the lawmakers pushing those voter ID law claimed that they have just simple common sense measures.

[72~76 sec Interview1]

It is common sense that you would use your picture ID to protect integrity of the voting process.

[76~88 sec Interview2]

It's an ID. Everyone has an ID. The people that are homeless, the people that go to vote they get sick, they go to the hospital, they buy..buy stuff. They need ID.

[88~ 99 sec Interview3]
I'm proud North Carolina has joined the thrity four other states to enact a common sense voter ID law that dose.. is it going to impact a significant amount of North Carolinian

[99~ 119 sec]
Oh, it's not goint to impact a significant number of North Carolinian. Oh. that's fine. Although by that standard you can also say we're going to incinerate everyone 19 warrant. That's not a significant number of people but you are gonna have a pretty justfiably upset warrant basy on your hand, that ?? significant to him.

[119~158 sec]
Becuase not everyone actually does have ID. In Texas alone at least half a million resistered voters did not have form of ID necessary to vote. North Carolina and Wisconsin have roughly 300,000 voters at peace with neither driver's license nor state's ID and in Verginia an estimated 200,000 voters may not have one and if you think about it. You probably know at least one person who doesn't have ID whether it's your grandma who had her license taken away, your recluse uncle who rollerblades everywhere or your cousin lost his license after 3rd DUI(Driving Under the Influence). Come on Jace, you can't fool of breathalyzer about whispering the words 'soba' into it. 

[158 ~196 sec]

And even if you try to obtain an ID just in order to vote, it can be difficult. This story about the Pennsylvania woman went through when her state ID was in effect. 68 years old Duglas Clark was turned down three times applying for her Pennsylvania voter ID card and every time she says the state wanted another document. Original birth certificate, original social security card, then she needed her husband's death certificate when a clerk demanded proof of her married name. You feel like why am I going through all these things. I'm not a Bin Laden's wife.  

[196 ~227 sec]

Wait, Bin Laden's wife. That's a strange way to frame it. Why not saying Osama Bin Laden was AMAL-AL-SADAH's husband or Siham Sabar's husband or Khairiah Sabar's husband. Hashtag Osama Bin Laden and Hashtag Feminism. Yet none of these difficulties seem to trouble legislators like Wisconsin's Joel Kleefisch who argued for a strict ID law by pointing out his state photo ID requirement to buy sudafed

[3m 47s ~ 4m 19s]

I find it frustrating that so many of the same people who today are telling us that the photo ID is just too gosh darn much to maintain integrity of the ballot and those same people, two sessions ago, made sure those same people, many of the same people in this room made sure two sessions ago that you have to have photo ID to buy stuffy nose medicine. 

[4m 19s ~ 5m 16s]

Ok. Ok. Couple of things there. First, that bill designed to help curtail Wisconsin's meth problem and second the voting is a right. If you've taken away you ruined democracy. If you've taken away someone's sudafed the only thing you will ruin is their sleeves and in some part of the country the offices that issue ID are hardly ever open. In 2012 the study found that Wisconsin, Alabama, and Mississippi fewer than half of all ID issuing offices in the state are open five days a week. And a Sauk City in Wisconsin just a few district over from where that business casual Kevin Smith lives. The ID office is only open on the 5th Wednesday every month and only four month in 2016 even have 5 Wednesday. Oh don't worry. There is a rhyme. March, June, August, November have 5 Wednesday but remember if you come on days not those fuck you ? fucking closed. 

[5m 16s ~ 5m 59s]

(Cannot hear due to the loud applause.) You know ?? studies have shown these restrictions tend to disproportionately impact African American and Latino voters. Texas for instance, experts found that African American voters were nearly twice as likely to lack voter ID. Latinos were nearly half times as likely. It's just one of those things white people seem to be more likely to have. Like sunburn or an Oska nomination. So, what are we doing this? If you listen to legislators who helped pass these laws that are say they are necessary to prevent fraud. Here is a co-sponsor of Texas's voter ID law. Debbie Riddle. 

[5m 59s ~ 7m 21s]

The very freedom of our nation is based on the integrity of our ballot box and if danger so ...??  voting can occur. That means your vote can be stolen and simply showing an identification is not too much to ask. Are you sure about that though? Don't ate fisher on the subway is not too much to ask. Never start the Facebook status 'that moment when' is not too much to ask. Requiring ID can actually asking a lot. And as the fraudulent elections well let's look at that for a moment because while American history is littered with vote-buying, vote-tampering, and ballot box stuffing. Voter ID doesn't prevent those crimes. The only crime prevent is voter in personation. One person showing up to the polls, pretending to be someone may not. which is pretty stupid crime cause you have to stand in the line, at a polling place and risk five years imprison and a 10,000 dollar fine or to cost one probably not consequential extra votes. In terms of pointless crime is right up there with forging a Bed Bath Beyond coupon. So lot of trouble with low reward. And yet people insist that this happens a lot. 

[7m 21s ~ 7m 21s]

Without photo ID, what do you freak would happen. 

Posted by Cat.IanKang


When you enter a kind of paper information 'eg. DOI information', you can access the paper for free.

It's really awesome '-'

(* it is on suing in U.S. I heard)

Posted by Cat.IanKang

This code contains many options related to tabular. 

\arraystretch sets the space between each row. 

\tabcolsep sets the space between each column. 

\hskip sets the space for specific column.

\hline inserts new black line. 

\multicolumn makes possible to write down something into multiple column. 




\begin{tabular}{l l @{\hskip 1pt}l}


EGLSurface & eglCreatePbufferSurface (& EGLDisplay display,\\

& & EGLConfig config,\\

& & const EGLint *attribList) \\


display & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the EGL display connection} \\

config & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the configuration} \\

attribList & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the list of pixel buffer attributes; may be NULL} \\



'Cat.Storage > SubCat.Latex' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Latex] Local Font Change  (0) 2016.02.15
Posted by Cat.IanKang