8. Business English 

Korean traditional music (x)

Traditional Korean music (o)

Spring has sprung - 봄이 시작되었다! 

I suddenly found that I got transferred to the Busan branch office. 

나는 갑자기 부산 지점으로 발령난 것을 알았다.

Every day brings a new challenge. 

나날이 새로운 도전이다. 

At this job i never know what is in store 

이 직업은 정말 무슨일이 일어날지 모르겠다. (뭐가 닥칠지 모르겠다)

(in store는 나를 위해 ~이 준비되어있다 라는 식의 의미)

Please respond as soon as possible. 

(to me 안써도 됩니당) 

Please reply at your earliest convenience. 

시간 되는대로 빨리 답신주세요~

We still haven't heard back from them. 

아직 그곳으로부터 소식이 없었어요. 

9. It's better to be safe than sorry. 

Do we need to pay the toll today?

You'e better grab some change. It's better to be safe than sorry. 

(잔돈 가져가는게 좋을거야. 유비무환이지!)

He is the one trick pony. 

(한가지 일만 잘하는 사람)

A renaissance man

(모든 분야를 잘 아는사람)

He's a foodie. 

(미식가, 맛집 찾아다니는사람)

10. Interrupt vs. disturb / bother vs. distract

Your segment today Ben.

(방송의 코너 = segment)

How's Ben been? 

Ben has been very good. 

I've been quite busy.

working and going all over the place.

I've got a vacation coming up soon. 

But i went off to a "pension" a couple of times over the last few months. 

(pensioner - 연급 받으면서 생활하시는 분들

 Bed & breakfast - 우리나라의 펜션 - 줄여서 B&B, 또는 inn)

Stop interrupting me! I have something important to tell you. 

(말을 끊을때 interrupt를 사용함)

It's not polite to interrupt people. 

Don't disturb me when i'm watching football. 

(어떤 일을 방해 받을때는 disturb 사용)

Don't disturb the neighbors. 

Don't bother me. = Don't hassle me.

(귀찮게 하거나 괴롭힐 때 )

Posted by Cat.IanKang

URL: http://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/

Posted by Cat.IanKang

fennec and cat..

Cat.Diary 2015. 6. 1. 00:42

Ok fennec. Just lie right beside me.

'Cat.Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

2018 SIGCHI  (0) 2018.04.30
39 Things I Learned in My 30s  (0) 2015.08.10
Posted by Cat.IanKang

URL: http://www.vocabulary.com/articles/chooseyourwords/assume-presume/

Assume and presume both mean to believe something before it happens, but when you assume you're not really sure. If someone bangs on your door in the middle of the night, you might assume (and hope!) it's your crazy neighbor. If your neighbor knocks on your door every night at 6:30, at 6:29 you can presume she's coming over in a minute.

To assume is to suppose or believe something without any proof. It also means to take over, usually responsibilities and duties, such as with a job, or to take on a look or attitude:

First, based on your question, we'll assume you're a recent college graduate. (USA Today)

Receiving no reply, three days later he sent a second missive, in which heassumed that his first letter had gone astray. (Elizabeth S. Kite)

"I won't have him," said Sir Henry at once, his eyes assuming their most prawnlike expression. (Mary Cholmondeley)

Presume is from the Latin pre "before" and sumere "to take," like taking something for granted. It means to be sure of something before it happened. When you presume,you suppose something without proof, based on probability:

In her latest video, Britney Spears arrives on earth — an alien, wepresume — to spread the message of consumerism. (Washington Post)

I favor the latter explanation, also known as a sensibly presumed truth, just as I believe William Shakespeare wrote a few plays in his day. (Time)

People don't love it when you assume, based on the catchy phrase that calls you an ass, because you're basically making a guess. When you assumed it was your neighbor knocking on your door and you told her to go away, you found out later it was your mom! There's no funny phase about presume, because you're usually right.

Posted by Cat.IanKang

'Cat.Storage > SubCat.Gateway' 카테고리의 다른 글

Book  (0) 2015.09.03
The moon  (0) 2015.08.25
Fractals: Theory and Applications in Engineering  (0) 2015.07.21
UX/UI design site  (0) 2015.07.20
Texture filters  (0) 2015.06.14
Posted by Cat.IanKang

  Do i really have to go?

  Do i absolutely have to attend this meeting?

  Do i absolutely have to do it this way?

  There must be another way ...


  When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 

  You must assimilate to their culture. 

  Do not adhere to the old ways. 

   Out of blue / out of left filed / random / suddenly 


   I can't imagine why he would just say that out of the blue.

   What a random thing to say!

   Why would you suddenly bring that up?

Posted by Cat.IanKang

What's going on here?

I think you went little overboard.

They've decided to go ahead with layoff.

He's always going on and on about his children.

 - stop going on and on about that!

If you disagreed, why did you just go along with it?

Why are we going against the grain?

Wow, that plan really went down in flames. 

To go in one ear and out the other!

Posted by Cat.IanKang


Since i was a teenager, becoming a great computer programmer has been my dream. 

A computer game which i usually enjoyed with my friends attracts me to be a programmer, at first. 

Glamorous characters, skills, and outdoors greets me in computer screen. 

They are alive in the cyber space with fabulous story. 

I just want to be a director of them, and make a interesting story that could not be happened in real world. 

It sounds like funny and absurd but, frankly said, i was really serious. 

The motivation of my dream has been changed slightly, recently, although it is not essentially different from that of my teenager. 

I've believed a computer programmer is the person who can make something from nothing and lead next generation by getting over what people tend to think as impossible. 

In the sight of making what is treated as could not be happened in real world, they are fundamentally similar. 

To be a great computer programmer means, at least for me, i have a power to achieve my following wishes:

I've been longing for making what has not been seen before. 

I've been longing for developing what leads tremendous positive effects for humanity. 

I've been longing for overcoming what is treated as impossible, and, it could reduce the term to next generation revolution. 

Precisely, above three items are my life goals, and i believe that being programmer is the most efficient way to accomplish those wishes. 

Posted by Cat.IanKang