This posting shows the way to change the font 'Times' to 'Helvetica' in local. (not global setting)

First,  load package. 


If you do not want to change the size of font, use below. 

\usepackage {helvet} 

Then, use following command. 


(ex. \fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{Some thing you want to talk about} )

I use above example into algorithm box. Followings are sample code and its result.




\floatname{algorithm}{\large sample code}



\caption{Overall procedure}






\State \#version 300 es \hspace{0.5cm} // This indicates SL version 3.0.


\State uniform mat4 worldViewProjection; \hspace{0.5cm} // 4x4 matrix


\State layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;


\State layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal;


\State layout(location = 2) in vec2 texCoord;


\State out vec3 v\_normal;


\State out vec2 v\_texCoord;


\State void main() \{


\State \hspace{0.2cm} gl\_Position = worldViewProjection * vec4(position, 1.0);


\State \hspace{0.2cm} v\_normal = normal;


\State \hspace{0.2cm} v\_texCoord = texCoord;


\State \}






'Cat.Storage > SubCat.Latex' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Latex] Table Setting (arrystretch, tabcolsep, hskip)  (0) 2016.02.16
Posted by Cat.IanKang