This code contains many options related to tabular. 

\arraystretch sets the space between each row. 

\tabcolsep sets the space between each column. 

\hskip sets the space for specific column.

\hline inserts new black line. 

\multicolumn makes possible to write down something into multiple column. 




\begin{tabular}{l l @{\hskip 1pt}l}


EGLSurface & eglCreatePbufferSurface (& EGLDisplay display,\\

& & EGLConfig config,\\

& & const EGLint *attribList) \\


display & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the EGL display connection} \\

config & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the configuration} \\

attribList & \multicolumn{2}{l}{specifies the list of pixel buffer attributes; may be NULL} \\



'Cat.Storage > SubCat.Latex' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Latex] Local Font Change  (0) 2016.02.15
Posted by Cat.IanKang